How do I make a complaint?
We are committed to addressing and resolving any issues or concerns you may have with our services. Below you will find important information regarding the conditions and process for submitting a complaint.
We take all complaints seriously and will ensure they are handled promptly and fairly.
Complaints to Quickbit
To ensure your complaint is admissible it must meet the following conditions:
- The complaint must be filed by an individual or entity directly affected by the issue.
- It should contain all necessary information for us to fully understand and assess the issue.
- The complaint must be filed within a reasonable time frame after the issue occurs
- Complaints may be filed in English or Swedish.
To process your complaint effectively, please include the following details:
- Your name and contact information
- A description of the issue you are complaining about
- The date and time the issue occurred
- Any supporting documents or evidence related to the complaint
How and where to file a complaint:
You may file your complaint using the Complaints filing template. While the use of this template is optional, it is recommended for clarity and completeness.
Complaints can be filed in accordance with below:
Digitally: Customer Support team at
In paper form: Sveavägen 31, 111 34 Stockholm. ATT Quickbit
Our team is responsible for reviewing and resolving complaints in a timely and professional manner.
Please note that submitting and handling complaints is completely free of charge. There are no fees for this service.
Complaints are handled in accordance with PSD II guidelines and the regulations established by the Financial Supervisory Authority
Should you remain unsatisfied with our response, you can follow the steps outlined below.
Local Consumer Authority
As a consumer you also have the right to file a complaint with your local consumer authority should you wish to have your case assessed by an independent third party. An assessment by these authorities is given free of charge to consumers. You can find the contact details below:
Sweden: The National Board for Consumer Disputes (Sw. Allmänna reklamationsnämnden (“ARN”)). You may reach ARN through their website,, or by sending a letter to the following address: ARN, Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm.
Finland: The Consumer Disputes Board (Fi. Kuluttajariitalautakunta). You may reach them through their website,, or by sending a letter to the following address: Consumer Disputes Board, Unioninkatu 16, Box 306, 00531 HELSINKI. Before doing so, you must contact the Consumer Advisory Services in Finland.
Norway: The Norwegian Consumer Authority (No. Forbrukertilsynet). You may reach them through their website,, or by senting a letter to the following address: Forbrukertilsynet PO Box 2862 Kjørbekk 3702 Skien NORWAY.
Poland: The Polish Consumer Authority (Po. Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów). You may rech them through their website,, or by sending a letter to the following address: pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1, 00-950 WARSZAWA.
Lithuania: The Lithuanian Consumer Authority (Li. Valstybinė vartotojų teisių apsaugos tarnyba). You may reach them through their website,, or by sending a letter to the following address: Vilniaus str. 25 Vilnius LT-01402, LITHUANIA.
European Commission It is also possible for you to get in contact with the European Commission. They provide an online platform designed to settle disputes arising from cross border e-commerce transactions outside of traditional courts. It is possible to submit your case in any of the official languages of the European Union. You can find the contact details below: You can access their platform here.
Compliants regarding payment services:
For formal complaints regarding the payment services provided by Intergiro Intl AB (publ) please email
You need to include the following information to start with:
- Full name
- Email address associated with your Quickbit account
- Phone number
- A few sentences of what the issue is and when it happened